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Broker PreLicensing

The Prelicensing Course is an introductory level real estate principles and practices course with heavy emphasis on real estate brokerage law and practice.  It is intended to:

  1. Provide students with the basic knowledge and skills necessary to act as a licensed real estate broker in a manner that protects and serves the public interest; and

  2. Prepare students for the North Carolina real estate license examination.

Post Licensing

To remove the provisional status from your NC Broker license, three, 30-hour classes are required.  They are:

301 - Broker Relationships & Responsibilities

302 - Contracts & Closing

 303 - NC License Law, Rules, & Legal Concepts

The courses may be taken in any order and must be completed within 18 months of license date.

Continuing Education

Yearly starting after your first renewal, brokers must take an update course and an elective course prior to June 10.  Electives can be on any topic that you are interested in, and if you plan to have a real estate niche or specialty (like land, property management, commercial) it's a good idea to find an elective in that area.

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